Sadly it seems this ARG is unofficial. That’s not to say it’s not worth playing. I’ve enjoyed the creativity shown by the writer(s). Just don’t expect this ARG to have any bearing on the next season.
I’m slowly getting into the new Lost alternate reality game currently running on Twitter and various sites around the internet. This is what I’ve learned so far. I’ll continue to update as I learn more…
@FleurDeNoir = Jacob?
- Jacob’s Bio is simply: “Genesis 27:41”
- Genesis 27:41 reads: So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing that his father had given him. Esau said to himself, “The time to mourn for my father is near. Then I’ll kill my brother Jacob.”
- Jacob seems to be hinting at his return or rebirth
@elliotgraves = Elliot Graves
- an overworked Ajira Air employee whose brother recently disappeared (like his father and grandfather before him…)
- Simeon Hobbes is somehow linked to the disappearance of all 3
- all 3 Graves men appear to have joined a secretive group (dharma?) related to Widmore Industries
@simeonhobbes = Simeon Hobbes (follower of Jacob?)
- involved in the recruitment of members of the secretive group mentioned above
- exceptionally long-lived (dharma life extension program? or gift of Jacob?)
@epithetalpha = Aidoneus (Jacob’s nemesis)
- Aidoneus is a pseudonym for Hades
Links gathered so far: