Tax free weekend

With the tax free weekend and a brand new Apple store less than a block from my office, I couldn’t resist. As it happens, my mother-in-law needed a new computer and wireless setup. Of course I couldn’t leave without a little something for myself. As a matter of fact I’m writing this entry on it right now! (an iPod touch) I’ve barely used it and I’m already in love with it! The only real downside is no wpa enterprise 🙁 Maybe there’s a hack?

update:  If you need WPA Enterprise on your iPod touch, just pay the $10 to get the 2.0 version firmware.  It’s got support for enterprise WPA/WPA2 encryption and loads of other features that will make the device more useful in the workplace.  More on that later…

Apple store opens in downtown Charleston

Yesterday Apple opened their new store on King Street to a large crowd of people anxiously waiting to see the latest iPhone 3G.  Of couse I had to stop by to check things out.  The store, formerly Granny’s Goodies and briefly Cumberlands night club looks beautiful.  On the inside it’s classic apple, sleek and modern.  On the outside it still blends in with the rest of the historic buildings.  The best thing about this store is that local Apple users finally have a place to take their Mac or pick up a new one.  Before, the only choice was to have it shipped.  Unfortunately for me, I didn’t get there in time to get a free T-shirt, but that’s ok.  I got to play with the new 3G iPhone, an Apple TV and the MacBook Air.  Nothing really new, but still fun to play with.  That’s the only thing about IT, there’s rarely something computer related at a retail store that’s a big surprise.

Apple finally fixes Leopard with 10.5.3 update

It’s taken a little over 6 months, but Apple has finally fixed some of the nagging issues in their flagship OS. I’ve loved the Leopard experience thus far with one small exception, browsing windows shared folders. So long as you were only browsing folders with a few files, there was no problem. If you’re like me and you tend to archive all your digital photos on one machine and share them over the network this was a real problem. Just attempting to open one subfolder in my digital photo library meant looking at a spinning progress wheel for anywhere up to 20 minutes. Yikes! With 10.5.3, that’s all history. This is great for me because the the new photo browsing features of Leopard are just wonderful. Thank you Apple!