Sun’s new 8-core 70W CPU

UltraSPARC T1 Fires Up Sun

Sun unveiled their latest CPU code-named Niagra today. The UltraSparc T1 boasts 8 processing cores and uses only 70 watts of energy. With each core supporting 4 threads, this CPU could not only smash it’s competition in raw performance, but should also cut down on energy costs in the server room. This will definitely be a product to watch.

Sony’s copy protection classified as a threat by antivirus firms

Antivirus firms target Sony ‘rootkit’ | CNET

It’s bad enough that the music industry has no qualms with preventing you from listening to the music you bought, but when they actually stoop to the level of secretly installing spyware on your machine, that’s just too far! Sony uses technology from First 4 Internet which secretly installs itself and interferes with cd-ripping even from non-protected CDs. Anyone want to start a class action suit? I’m fairly sure this software is illegal according to the DMCA. (ironic isn’t it?)

Microsoft’s grand scheme to take over the world

Developers become advertisers with Microsoft | The Register

Microsoft, under pressure from Yahoo and Google has come up with what some see as a half-baked plan for the future of their software. While the holes in Microsoft’s strategy may cause this latest effort to fail, the company’s tentacles stretch into every facet of our digital lives. (server, desktop, audio, video, gaming…) Now, they also want to make fixing flaws in their software a subscription service. However, the situation is more complex and potentially sinister. Microsoft is paying a security team to develop fixes for security flaws anyway. If MS charges a subscription fee, corporate customers will pay it just to ensure they are secure. Those who can’t pay will be left with systems open to exploitation. The exploited systems will be used by malicious individuals to attack other systems driving a continuing need for security services.