I can’t believe our daughter is 2 months old already. It seems like the time has gone by so quickly. She’s developing new skills and learning new things almost every day. Nan and have been excited to see her trying to talk and become more interactive over the past week or so. Lela, you’ve been the best baby any two parents could ask for. We can’t wait to see what else you’ve got in store for us. Happy 2-month birthday!
Category Archives: Family
Back to work
It’s hard to believe it’s already been 6 weeks since my daughter’s birth. (that’s April 11th if you’re looking to add her birthday to your calendar) Though I’ve technically been on paternity leave, I’ve really worked at least half that time from home. It’s been a real blessing to work somewhere that cares enough about its employees to allow so much time off. For me, it’s also been wonderful to be able to experience every moment of her first month and 1/2 of development. That will be something I will miss next week as I head back to work full-time. While my time will certainly be limited, I’m going to attempt to keep everything rolling along on the blog. Speaking of which, I just updated to WordPress 2.2 today. It looks like everything is working properly, but if you find anything that’s broken, please let me know. I’ve also abandoned the captcha plugin for the time being as it was getting too tedious to maintain through upgrades. I’m sure that will would have come as a welcome change to at least a couple of people. I’m also working on integrating a flickr applet into the site so you can all see my humble attempts at photography. Hopefully, I’ll get time to post some interesting non-baby photos as well. (it becomes time consuming to organize your photos when your library grows beyond 20GB)
Tips to survive baby’s first week..
1) Even if the diaper is full, there’s more where that came from. Beware!
2) Remove socks and any other clothing around the diaper area before changing. (you might get lucky once, twice or even three times, but eventually she’s gonna get ‘cha.)
3) Have at least 2 (clean) spare pacifiers on hand at all times. They WILL go ballistic from time to time…
4) Mylicon: if you plan on getting any sleep, you’d better have some on hand…
5) When your newborn is nearly inconsolable, a motorized glider chair with music may be the answer.