The cat and the baby are fast asleep as Nan and I sit here with our computers warming our laps on this quiet Chrismas Eve. Only an hour to go… I’ve been doing a little virtual window shopping, looking at a lens/eyepiece or two for my telescope. I’m hoping to get a pair of Tele Vue Plossls, perhaps an 8mm and a 15 or 20. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but a random desire to take pictures of the Orion nebula a few nights back has really inspired me to take the plunge. I had been debating the possibility of a 2x teleconverter and a 500/600mm catadioptric lens for my D80, but I’m convinced the pair wouldn’t be able to resolve the features I’m interested in imaging. (mostly planets and nebulae) The teleconverter and lens for the camera would cost less than a pair of Plossls and would be more stable than my 3 1/2′ long newtonian scope, but if it doesn’t work for astrophotography, then it would be a waste. (plus I’d rather save those photo pennies for a nice wide angle lens)
Category Archives: Family
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It’s December 11th which means it’s now 2 weeks until Christmas day. My daughter Lela is 8 months old today, oh yea and it’s my birthday. I’d actually forgotten my birthday was this week until yesterday when I was looking at my schedule and noticed it was the 10th. This will be Lela’s first Christmas, so I setup the photo studio the other day and took some pics of the family together. I also took one of Lela by herself that we’ve entered into a local Baby’s First Christmas photo contest. I’ll post links to them on my Flickr site once I’ve added them. Speaking of Flickr, I’ve posted a sample of the photos from my SC’07 trip to Reno, NV.
Lela is 6 months old
My baby girl turned 6 months old today! She’s gotten so big already. We’ve got her eating solid food now and she’s able to mostly sit up on her own. I really can’t believe it’s already been 6 months.