Greening my home IT infrastructure

It’s been a while since my last post, in part because work has been crazy busy and in part because I’ve been working on migrating to a “new” server at home.  I finally finished the migration earlier this afternoon.  The primary reason behind doing this is to achieve a 70% reduction in power usage.  My old machine was a 2nd generation Athlon at 1.2Ghz and used about 108 watts.  The new machine is a legacy-free (no serial or parallel ports) Compaq Evo with an Intel P4 at 1.9Ghz and uses only 30 watts.  While I was at it, I also upgraded my storage capacity and moved from Windows Server 2003 to 2008.  So far everything seems to be running quite well.  I considered switching to Ubuntu Server, but in the end decided to stick with Windows so I could preserve my Active Directory domain.  Perhaps I’ll try that in the next migration phase.  (maybe when/if I move to an even lower power platform.)