At least someone is sticking to their values

The ACLU is suing the federal government over the revised FISA law which grants immunity for the unconstitutional and blatantly illegal actions of the telecommunications companies who performed warrantless blanket wiretaps on american citizens on american soil. I think it says something when even the democratic candidate running under the slogan “change we can believe in” won’t even fight against this legislation. I like Obama, but I have to admit, his support of the compromise (more like: capitulation) legislation has me dismayed. (I have actually read the text of the legislation in case anyone is wondering…) Some have speculated that Barack is smarter than this and is looking more long term. Unfortunately, his latest explanation of his motivations reveals no such intention. There is yet one small glimmer of hope. A lawyer looked into the revised FISA law and it’s related statutes and found no obstruction to prosecuting criminal charges against either the administration or the telecoms. However, you can bet any such attempt would be an uphill battle to say the least. I had no illusions that Barack was a true politician, but that doesn’t make me feel any better about the future of our country. It seems for now, there is no change to be had, only relief in the removal of the Bush administration.