Lying Is OK, Truth is Verboten in Presidential Campaign | The Progressive

Lying Is OK, Truth is Verboten in Presidential Campaign | The Progressive

It’s interesting to me that big media keeps missing the mark on this story, while one writer from a nearly century old magazine hits the nail on the head. There’s always a certain element of TV news in particular that lends itself to sensationalism. However, usually after the initial ratings boost the sensationalism gets toned down and more responsible reporting begins. Of course if Hillary and John would simply drop the issue and move on to something else the media would happily follow along. (but of course that won’t happen until the effect wears off) Unfortunately it seems that with the close race between Obama and Clinton, big media is happy to let the sensationalism play out a bit longer. It’s sad: this whole event is a red herring and the Clinton and McCain campaigns will capitalize on it for as long as they can.