Compression breakthrough or PR stunt?

Firm squeezes films into a download – The Boston Globe

Euclid Discoveries claims to have invented compression technology that is close to 4.4 times more efficient than MPEG-4. (actually they claim 4.6… funny how the numbers in their press release don’t show it..) While object-based compression sounds cool, I have to wonder what the tradeoffs are in both quality and CPU requirements. The company admits in their press release that their testing has centered on “talking head” type video. (which is the easiest, aside from a still shot, for any compression algorithm to crunch) They’re also pretty blatant about their use of IP patents to attempt to monopolize this field of study. Sickening…

Another point of curiosity: I wonder how long it’s going to take EuclidVision to sue Euclid Discoveries over the product name?